A cardiovascular disease diagnosis often brings a range of emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness. Seeking peer support can be instrumental in understanding and managing these emotions. Enhancing emotional well-being not only aids in coping with these feelings but can also have positive effects on cardiovascular health.
Support Matters
At Mended Hearts Europe, our commitment is unwavering — we are devoted to offering support to individuals navigating cardiovascular disease-related challenges, as well as their families and caregivers. Through the cultivation of an inclusive and compassionate community, we strive to create meaningful connections that dismantle the sense of isolation, ensuring that no one feels alone on their heart journey.
What are the benefits of being part of a support group?
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Improved physical and emotional well-being
- Decreased hospitalizations and emergency room visits
- Assistance in adopting healthier lifestyle changes
- Enhanced access to information and resources
- Increased confidence in managing healthcare
What kinds of support can our groups provide?
Peer support and participation in support groups play a vital role in fostering a sense of connection and providing a feeling of security and belonging. These elements are key contributors to overall health improvement, recovery from a heart event, and the ongoing journey of living with cardiovascular disease.
Understanding more about your heart or your loved one’s, gaining knowledge about cardiovascular disease, and learning strategies for living with cardiovascular disease can boost your confidence in decision-making. Informational support equips you with valuable insights, helping you find resources that are beneficial for your heart health journey.